Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey

amphigorya1.JPG - 16357 Bytes A is for AMY who fell down the stairs
B is for BASIL assaulted by bears amphigoryb1.JPG - 11323 Bytes
amphigoryc1.JPG - 15927 Bytes C is for CLARA who wasted away
D is for DESMOND thrown out of a sleigh amphigoryd1.JPG - 8017 Bytes
amphigorye1.JPG - 11223 Bytes E is for ERNEST who choked on a peach
F is for FANNY sucked dry by a leech amphigoryf1.JPG - 12690 Bytes
amphigoryg1.JPG - 15620 Bytes G is for GEORGE smothered under a rug
H is for HECTOR done in by a thug amphigoryh1.JPG - 12498 Bytes
amphigoryi1.JPG - 11623 Bytes I is for IDA who drowned in a lake
J is for JAMES who took lye by mistake amphigoryj1.JPG - 14723 Bytes
amphigoryk1.JPG - 11512 Bytes K is for KATE who was struck by an axe
L is for Leo who swallowed some tacks amphigoryl1.JPG - 13545 Bytes
amphigorym1.JPG - 11641 Bytes M is for MAUDE who was swept out to sea
N is for NEVILLE who died of ennui amphigoryn1.JPG - 13992 Bytes
amphigoryo1.JPG - 9116 Bytes O is for OLIVE run through with an awl
P is for PRUE trampled flat in a brawl amphigoryp1.JPG - 16677 Bytes
amphigoryq1.JPG - 13028 Bytes Q is for QUENTIN who sank in the mire
R is for RHODA consumed by a fire amphigoryr1.JPG - 13776 Bytes
amphigoryr1.JPG - 13776 Bytes S is for SUSAN who perished of fits
T is for TITUS who flew into bits amphigoryt1.JPG - 13340 Bytes
amphigoryu1.JPG - 16412 Bytes U is for UNA who slipped down a drain
V is for VICTOR squashed by a train amphigoryv1.JPG - 6722 Bytes
amphigoryw1.JPG - 13622 Bytes W is for WINNIE embedded in ice
X is for XERXES devoured by mice amphigoryx1.JPG - 13460 Bytes
amphigoryy1.JPG - 8944 Bytes Y is for YORRICK whose head was knocked in
Z is for ZILLAH who drank too much gin amphigoryz1.JPG - 13923 Bytes

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