Friday, June 4, 2010 History




Ask me anything, im full of wrong answers.

Let's be Frank...

  1. Delete your response

    what happened to your thumb?

    I had a thing for hammers when i was younger. Same thing that happened to yours. You were born with it.
  2. Delete your response

    wrong answer babe. your feet are so sexy

  3. Delete your response

    Form spring is good.. But the things I say on here make me wonder if you would really take it the same way as you do when I'm annonymouse, to when you know who I am.

    As long as you not the foot person, take a stab at not being anonymous. I don't bite.
  4. Delete your response

    So, I was reading your blog, and I love it.. But when I got further down it saddened me.. You are not a bad friend ! Not at all . In fct you are a very good one. So don't say you arnt! And don't sY you want to die.. Because without you.. IDE die

    im really glad you like my blog, and im really happy you think of me as a good friend. Im not sure who this is but thankyou.
  5. Delete your response

    i wanna touch your feet.

    Your disguting, feet are gross that's not even funny.
  6. Delete your response


    hahhahaahahahaaha thts ok
  7. Delete your response

    you need some serious balls to make one of these fromspring things. some ppl are soo mean

    Formspring....#1 bullying site
  8. Delete your response


  9. Delete your response

    its not your fault you have a wide set vagina and a heavy flow

    I <3 jumbo tamponssss
  10. Delete your response

    17 months doesnt count if you have broken up 5000000+ times.

    Why not? I never stopped loving him and he never stopped loving me. If something makes me happy why should it affect you in the slightest. Leave me alone and go get a life.
  11. Delete your response

    Do you give your boyfriend bjs much?

    why would that concern yourself, go play with your hand.
  12. Delete your response

    you have a boyfriend right? lucky guy

    i do, and he is :)
  13. Delete your response

    You are so beautiful, and you have nice legs.

  14. Delete your response


    allo allo
  15. Delete your response

    i really like the way you dress

    thankyou, it really means alot
  16. Delete your response

    Are you happy with the way your life going atm?

  17. Delete your response

    update your blog.

    i will i will
    i promise
    aw i feel so appreciated :)
  18. Delete your response

    u act all really sweet and nice on the internet but ive never heard a good word about you in real life? maybe all im hearing is the negatives but you sound like a really mean person

    Maybe you should meet me and make your own judgement on me instead of listening to and beleiving gossip. Im not a mean person. But im not arguing with you because these people you talk to OBVIOUSLY know me heaps well.
  19. Delete your response

    Coz when a heart breaks, no it dont break even... what am i gonna do when the best part of me was always you? I'm falling to pieces

    im sorry
  20. Delete your response

    it really is snuggle weather...

    big warm blanket, warm cookies and hot chocolate
  21. Delete your response

    You are really photogenic.

    wow thankyou
  22. Delete your response

    You are really photogenic.

    wow thankyou
  23. Delete your response
    stellazukowska cassicatsaros

    front fringe will look awesome babe! x

    thankyou :)
  24. Delete your response

    yes front fringe

  25. Delete your response

    If I was to be horrible on this to you, it would mean I have very little balls... So I like to be nice, yet again I wouldn't be anything of the oposite of nice, as nice is what you are and what you deserve to be spoken like.

    I have to read this multiple times to understand what this meant but thankkyou for not being mean to me :)
    you are equally as nice and deserve to be spoken to the same
    you are a beatiful person
  26. Delete your response

    I have changed my mind nice is such.a dull word.. I choose sparkly , you are sparkily :) an sparkily is a good thing

    sparkly, Like a star. thankyou lovely
  27. Delete your response

    What do you tjink of weegiee boards?

    i would really like to try one some day it sounds interesting
  28. Delete your response

    your not alternative

    I don't want to be anyones alternative, especially not yours.
  29. Delete your response

    i want a baby snorlax so i can train it to sleep on people thorax's and sing them lullabys... whats a ding dong?

    This reminds me of dr Seuss. I will go to the African island of yerka and bring you back a tizzle topped tufted mazurka. And a ding dong is most likely a cross between a ding bat and a ping pong ball, but I'm only guessing.
  30. Delete your response

    You are just so nice ! And formsprunging you is always fun because you give such nice answers! You are a lovley person :)

    That's really sweet of you. I beleive you are a beautiful person. Thankyou lovely.
  31. Delete your response

    Pretty pretty girl

    thankyou lovely
  32. Delete your response

    :0 didint even comment on my retarted end of the question.. thats the best part :(.

    acknowledged :)
  33. Delete your response

    why are u full of wrong ones? eppinaladadsedseafsesjloejpurz..ryansfeedinghisSEAMONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x)

    Because Im not perfect :)
  34. Delete your response

    I dont really get this
  35. Delete your response

    whats love got to do with it ?

    What's love, but a second hand emotion!
  36. Delete your response

    excus me pretttty one where do you buy you amaziiiiing clothes and what are your favourite shops ? <3

    The best finds come from vinnies
    And my favourite shops are sportsgirl and general pants but its to expensive to be bothered with..
  37. Delete your response

    your one of those indie kids who drinks coffee and is obsessed with photography and all that art shit. if u think ur individual your mistaken. you act like your 20 years old, your friends are all the same as well. your not an individual, your a follower

    if by liking photography, art, coffee and all that "indie" stuff classify s me as a follower then I beleive the same applies to you. yes posting hate mail on someones formspring your such an individual. Stop copying everyone by breathing and just hurry up and die nobody needs your negative input on their lives, including me.
  38. Delete your response

    How bout you do some question asking mrs.

    Who am I supposed to be questioning? And since when did I become a mrs?
  39. Delete your response

    Yeah if I was a stalker, which I might be. I would and may have already been stalking you... WATCH YOUR BACK! I can see you through the window ;)

    wow that is really creepy
    is this justin?i really hope it is
  40. Delete your response

    I will marry you on top if the tallest mountain in Italy

    i dont like mountain weddings but maybe in a nice little garden or something. not sure if i like italy, convince me otherwise
  41. Delete your response

    what kind of music do you likey

    everything, not entirely picky. although i usually dont prefer screamo or rap, you know what I mean
  42. Delete your response

    I am a demon baby with worms and I am SO offended!

    i am very sorry for you.
  43. Delete your response

    I hate this :( Ima go make a devon sandwhich to start a long food binge because of this :(

    see you at school mr. X
  44. Delete your response
    stellazukowska Cameronb28

    I Think im in love with you :) i love frank!

    i love you
  45. Delete your response

    Shit... DAMMIT! :(. I was having so much fun! dammit dammit DDDAAAMMMMIIITTTT!!!!

    hoorah ! that was a very long night of confusion
  46. Delete your response

    Yea I am... I hope you don't know who I am. If you do, I'd prefer you don't say on here. Telechenetic message me or something... use a code of some sort hahaha

    zombies are going to atttack the world, we should devise a plan... Am i on the right track ?
  47. Delete your response

    Oh thanks heaps! Just accuse me of being creepy pfft. Fine I wont play these silly games :( but seriously. Yea I talk to you at school, not frequently, but sometimes. Ummm I think telling you the classes is too much info. I'll only say one. English...

    have you called me an elf before ?
  48. Delete your response

    Yes I am telling the truth. Yes you know her. Yes I am in your year.

    creepy.. what classes am i in with you at school and do you talk to me much at school
  49. Delete your response

    Hahahah, Im not gonna make it that easy for you. Last quarter of last year. By the way you take forever to reply to these and Im getting really bored in between :|

    well i feel priveliged being your main source of entertainment for the night. Do i know your girlfriend? And are you in my year at school? Oh and are you actually telling the truth..
  50. Delete your response

    Nope, had a girlfriend for a while. Unless you classify last year as recently

    when did you both start going out ?
  51. Delete your response

    Yea I am the same person. Im just kinda having waves of happiness and waves of sadness randomly. It confuses me too. Hahaha, imagine if some random just chimed in halfway through and pretended to be me. You know me from a facility of educational nature

    I feel like I know who this is but im not goign to say. If its who I think it is, you found formspring congratualtions. If not then ignore that bit. So Inaburra. Did you get with girlfriend recently ? Just trying to figure out who you are. Its my goal for the ngiht.
  52. Delete your response

    Hahaha yea, you do know me. And thats not pretentious at all! Women tell me all the time... okay fine, they're hookers, but they're still women too! hahah But seriously though, Trust me, Im a sex god. And your boyfriend is awesome

    wait im confused so you were the one who asked me if i got headaches when i cried alot...because you have been crying alot? Was that you?Where do i know you from ?
  53. Delete your response

    Im a sex god! but seriously, im a guy and, yes I know its difficult to hear but, Yes I do have a girlfriend

    im crushed. To bad there are no vacancy's in my heart right now. It's full of love for boyfriend. Do I actually know you ? Please say I do stalkers creep me out. That's bit pretentious claiming you a sex god young sir.
  54. Delete your response

    Yea 'tis the same person.

    hmm you are a puzzling charachter you are
    boy or girl ?
  55. Delete your response

    I don't want to do that again. Can I ask (Cause that's what this thing is for right?) why just the random 'x'? Heaps of females I know do it and its like, whad-up? Its just x not xo or anything just x. Hahaha, stupid question, its not compulsory haha

    Is this the same person as the past questions ?
    It's just an esier and shorter way to finish a text with out saying like sincerley or with love or something like that. And you know how girls kiss eachother's cheeks when they see eachother, its like that. Does that make sense ?
  56. Delete your response

    Hahaha, Yes sir! Just cause im upset doesn't mean I have nothing to live for! I have lots to live for.

    thats good im glad. as long as your proud of yourself. when you start caring about what other people think thats when you lose your soul
  57. Delete your response

    Hahaha, sorry im easily embarrassed and im pretty shy.

    ok thats ok
    well tell me if anytrhing improves
    and no playing with razorblades ok babe
  58. Delete your response

    Sorry if im keeping you outta the loot but, you are pretty damn wise.

    Thankyou, ell at least your not one of the haters. :)
  59. Delete your response

    I'd prefer not to say, I like the whole anonymous thing, it helps. Yea I called one of them just before. I didn't get a positive yes or no to be more careful, just a few excuses and no straight answer

    Hey well if it makes you feel better. I just don't really get why you can't just tell me who you are then we could probably have a proper conversation but thats ok keep the questions and stuff coming and i will keep trying to answer them to the best of my lack of ability
  60. Delete your response

    Hahahah, no I am not playing with razorblades, and yes, the same person. Just I have realised how valuable my friends are and quite a few of them still think they are invincible. But I don't want to lose them.

    Well I know im not invincible. I have learnt my lessons. Maybe you should talk to your friends about it. Who is this ? Talk to me on facebook or something
  61. Delete your response

    So, it turns out we aren't as invincible as I thought...

    Hope you arn't playing with razorblades. Is this the same person that told me that crying so much gave them headaches..?
  62. Delete your response

    your stunnningg seriously! but may I ask who is harlow... :)

    my slr camera
    yes I named it
    I name most inanimate objects that I adore
    Oh and thankyou for the compliment lovely
  63. Delete your response
    stellazukowska LaniiReckless

    p.s i want a chokito

    I would like some sushi right now
  64. Delete your response
    stellazukowska LaniiReckless

    hey read this for me...BAM! head in locker. Severe head trauma

  65. Delete your response

    Well when you put it that way, I guess I am pretty awesome :) By the way I just realised I spelt "anonymously" wrong and I apologise

    Hey im not judging your spelling mistakes
  66. Delete your response

    Nooo wwaaayyy! You are awesome! I dunno why I am telling you this. It helps me a bit just to tell someone anonamously, sorry if im bugging you

    No of course your not bugging me. Thankyou Im sure you are awesome too.
  67. Delete your response

    "Who is this? I'm sorry I have been busy lately. Text me and we will catch up x" i think if you knew who i was that reply wouldnt have been the same.

    well why don't you test your theory
    unless you don't like me I would love to catch up with you. Contact me without being anonymous. Its likely that I really do want to catch up with you.
  68. Delete your response

    I have been crying alot lately

    im sorry did i cause this ?
  69. Delete your response

    I think I like I think like I think like I think like it like it louuuuuuudddd !

    well thats nice
  70. Delete your response

    I get headaches when I cry for too long

    I sometimes do too,luckily I havn't been crying lately.
  71. Delete your response

    babey du root?

    not you
  72. Delete your response
    stellazukowska lorentina

    well i was goalie... so no lol 3-0.

  73. Delete your response
    stellazukowska lorentina

    where the fuck were you today :)

    studying my lil butt off for biology today, did you win ?
  74. Delete your response

    your pretty and you have good fashion but you think your heaps mad by wearing glasses with no lenses...

    Hahahah I havn't done that since mardi gra and that was just for laughs. Lighten up stranger but thankyou for the compliment.
  75. Delete your response
    stellazukowska JuzzaMcFluzza

    ay yo i still gotta pick up the stuff that u borrowed for ure party haha

    Yer your lava lamp is currently in my room and the other lights are downstairs x
  76. Delete your response

    i miss you quite the mostest, but you dont even want to give me the time of day anymore. sigh

    Who is this? I'm sorry I have been busy lately. Text me and we will catch up x
  77. Delete your response

    So I was thinking!!... I want to see you soon x

    lucy ? not sure who this is but im sure i agree :)
  78. Delete your response
    stellazukowska HANNAHAHAH

    You're pretttttty

    thnkyou darling
  79. Delete your response

    haha i didn't mean nathan sorry it came out that way. yeah, just wanted another opinion and you have experience with this

    I don't have experience with dating babe. If I wasn't with nathan I would be pretty lost. He was my best friend turned into a boyfriend. I'm shit with boys. :)
  80. Delete your response

    haha i didn't mean nathan sorry it came out that way. yeah, just wanted another opinion and you have experience with this

    I don't really. Me and nathan were best friends before we went out. I never really dated. So I'm not good for dating advice. Sorry. x
  81. Delete your response
    stellazukowska stellazukowska

    So sorry just realized what you meant. How do you know he doesn't care? Ask him. And if he says he doesn't then punch him in the face so he looks like shit to other girls

    Hope that helps, why are you coming to me for relationship advice?
  82. Delete your response

    okay so, you fucking adore the kid, and he couldn't care less about you. you see?

    If your talking about nathan I don't think you know him very well. But it is true, I do adore him.
  83. Delete your response

    best relationship advice? :(

    if you love someone, love them with all your heart and show them every day how much they mean to you. Love a person for who they are, not who they can be. You didn't give me much to work with babe.
  84. Delete your response

    I just formspringed.. To say I loovee you .I just formspringed to say how much I care...I just formspringed to saaaay I lovee you , and I mean it from the bottom of myy heart." ;)

    That's so sweet
  85. Delete your response


    I know right
  86. Delete your response

    Pet giraffe , pet elephant?

    pet girraffe for sure!
    allison jameee
    alison jameee

    hey your not the same girrffe from last night :)
  87. Delete your response
    stellazukowska LaniiReckless

    I want a Burrito

  88. Delete your response

    It was in a nice way :) or at least not intended in a mean way?

    ok thats good, coz im pretty sure that was like the lowest point in my life, physically and socially :)
  89. Delete your response

    vicky cristina barcelona

  90. Delete your response

    i like your style but the thing is, it's not yours. you are possibly the worst 'follower' i've ever seen

  91. Delete your response

    How did you manage to re-invent yourself between now and year 7? cos you did...

    Im not sure if this is in a mean way or a nice way but I did this thing that some people call growing up. It might be hard to wrap your head around that concept but people change, I have and I will never stop. That's what I love about life, learn from your mistakes and keep on growing.
  92. Delete your response

    i love your style

  93. Delete your response

    cos my mum wont be there?

    Are we getting drink drank drunk?
  94. Delete your response

    im thinking you and gemma and lani should stay over my house tomo night?

    Sounds good, i'm in
  95. Delete your response

    If only you knew, if only you new what I felt... What wpuld you do in my position. What would you do ontop of a building..

    If I was in your position I would say who I was and what I was talking about. If I was on top of a building I would either spend my time watching the clouds or the stars pass me by. Why what would you do?
  96. Delete your response

    U would quite love to have tea and biscuts with you soon.

    That would be lovely, and who would this be?
  97. Delete your response
    stellazukowska gemmarw

    yer yer gababbaa gabbbba we sahll make plan what is ryans that esha is talking about?

    He is like one of my best friends
    I'm going with nathan but I will try and get you an invite
  98. Delete your response

    yeah sounds good let me knowww xx

  99. Delete your response

    ummm why dont you and gems stay over mine on friday? or we both stay at yours or somethingg.... xx

    I will ask mum
    Either way is good for me
  100. Delete your response
    stellazukowska gemmarw

    hahha saw ur post on esha's "look my formspring it's full of tripppers" <3 lets get drink drank drunkkk!

    It's true though, all these anonymous trippers
    let's get drink drank drunk and you can teach me how to gabba the night away
  101. Delete your response

    hahha that below comment sounds like conor!

    Creeepy :)
    Love you esha
  102. Delete your response

    I find it exillerating, this formsrung this is so new aged you know, like I would have never invented it but it's just splendid. Exelent form, and you being a spectator for it.. Just splendid.. Splendid I say!

    Yes splendid ! This has made me smile :)
  103. Delete your response

    Sell me your soul?

    Im only seventeen, I don't have a soul yet.
  104. Delete your response

    Whhahaaattt?... so maybe thats how he got his superpowers, through pot!

    Obviously... It all makes sense now. What a role model :)
  105. Delete your response

    When you say eat your heart out.. How do you mean it?? With mallace and conviction or simply as a canabal would? And how would you go about it?

    Make yourself happy, however you see fit. Find joy in life, others or yourself til your heart's content :) And if it makes you happy asking me questions then hey
    go for it :)
  106. Delete your response

    Tell me something I dont know

    About me: I have a square thumb

    About life: Barrack Obama did pot when he was young
  107. Delete your response

    i would make passionate love to you.

    Guess you will have to have fun with your hand til then
  108. Delete your response

    I like this, I like you, I like your blog and I like your hair

    and i like you too :)
  109. Delete your response

    goodevening madamoiselle

    goodmorrow to you fine person :)
  110. Delete your response

    i want to be as close as i can with you

    mildly creepy... who is this ?
  111. Delete your response

    Ahhhh lalala rumbahhhhh :)

    She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes
  112. Delete your response

    Look to your friends. They Care so much about you and in them you will find comfort.

    Thats deep, thankyou :)
  113. Delete your response

    There will be so many more times to come even if it's not with the one you want to be with right now

    Thankyou I guess
  114. Delete your response

    dun let tha h8z stop u frm duiin ur thang!

    i'll try not to
  115. Delete your response

    have you ever had a threesome?

  116. Delete your response

    i dont know you very well but your a pretty great person in my eyes. you and nathan did seem good together but you know your only young and you still have so much to experience. this isnt the end yet

    Thankyou. Who is ? We were good together, its just not the right time.
  117. Delete your response

    :( shit that you and nathan broke up... what went wrong? do you think you guys will work through it eventually?

    Yer it is pretty shit. It was just to serious of a relationship and we both just need to sort through our own shit. We arn't talking now but eventually we will hopefully become friends again.
  118. Delete your response

    Don't let whatever may happen in this life change you, you are so much fun to be around, beautiful, and continue to amaze me. However tough the hurdles you come across may appear to be- you are strong enough to jump them. It may be hard but keep smiling.X

    thankyou so much, i wish i knew who you were beautiful stranger
  119. Delete your response

    I am sooooo fucking sorry. Shit :(

    Who is this, hey easy mistake. It's just how it is. Just have to accept it.
  120. Delete your response

    I hardly know you, but it seems you and your boyfriend are really good together, and I envy you, because I wish me and my boyfriend were like that

    wow this is possibly the worst time to say that. Me and nathan broke up yesterday. We were good together...
  121. Delete your response

    i love youuuu :) thanks for the partyy last night and conor says sorry for not waking up this morningggg

    neither of you woke up ?
    I don't even know what time you left my house. I really needed your help taking the garbage to the front now I have to do it all by myself tomorrow. :(
  122. Delete your response
    stellazukowska tyebo

    ahhaha funny bitch with this 'he isn't plain and simple just cause he doesn't buy his clothes from jay jays doesn't make him a faggot.'

    that took me so long to work out wat that said
  123. Delete your response

    Eat a maggot or a fly?

    maggot i think
  124. Delete your response

    Erica you are a beautiful girl!! I think your lovley:)

  125. Delete your response

    i asked why, i never said that he is (although he most certainly is)

    i'll answer your question with a question, who are you?
  126. Delete your response

    why is your boyfriend such an awesome kidd?

    Thankyou stranger. I agree
  127. Delete your response

    so out of all your boyfriends friends who's your favourite? and it can't be someone from denmark ;) haha

    It would most definetly be mikel, he is australian in my eyes. :)
  128. Delete your response
    stellazukowska CAITLINGALVIN

    Of course I am :) I can't wait either!

    :) your a babe, cant wait to see you
  129. Delete your response
    stellazukowska CAITLINGALVIN

    Ericaaa I miss youuu

    I can't wait to see you at my party! You are coming right? x
  130. Delete your response

    i want to become friends with u, how do i go about that?

    Add me on facebook. :) who is this, that's cute
  131. Delete your response

    you're going to go far

    i hope thats not sarcasm
  132. Delete your response

    well then i guess ill just see you at your parttttttttttttyyyyy :( - esha

    love you x
  133. Delete your response

    i was reading the other posts, why would you want to be a dark grey wolf?

    Its my favourite animal :)
    And it would be kind of cool just skulking around a forest and eating stuff
  134. Delete your response

    no you dont, you hardly talk to me anymore :(

    it scares me how wrong you are
    i love you
    schoolwork is a bitch and it eating me from the inside out
    need to do whole d and t folio in a week
  135. Delete your response

    Lets hang out this Thursday I need a pick me up (:

    sounds good
    come mine ?
    bring oc ?
    we an drink tea and discuss life
    im not goin to shave my hair because look at my blog i want to grow it long and model like
  136. Delete your response

    Your lovely

  137. Delete your response


    love you babe
  138. Delete your response

    i miss you and love youuuu :) maybee you can come over on friday?

    maybe stranger
  139. Delete your response

    omgggggggg !

    I know right!!!!!
  140. Delete your response

    well this is fun :) ... do you have a favorite colour ?

    Light blue, yellow and cream
    Any kind of vintage colour pallete I dig
  141. Delete your response

    what would you like for your birthday?

    I'm awaiting a slr from my parents :)
    A car would be nice maybe some people can pitch in I will give you lifts :) holden kibgswood rust colour would be nice
    But if that's out of your price limit hm
    Well $$$$$$$$$$$
    That's always nice or a sportsgirl or general pants voucher
    Havnt been shopping for a while
    If I need anything in the near future I will keep you posted
  142. Delete your response

    whos your bff 4 lyfe?

    this girl called leilani kessler
    she is ok
  143. Delete your response

    whos your bf

    nathan valli, we have been going out for 13 months and 8 days, started going out new years eve.
    anything else you would like to know ?
  144. Delete your response

    I love your blog, your style and your clothes you are gorgeous! :)

  145. Delete your response

    If you could have a super power, what would it be?

    The ability to turn into a dark grey wolf whenever I feel like it.
  146. Delete your response

    whys ur boyfriend a faggot?

    he isn't plain and simple just cause he doesn't buy his clothes from jay jays doesn't make him a faggot.
  147. Delete your response

    ur getting urself into one sick mess

    doing what
  148. Delete your response

    so out of all your boyfriends friends who's your favourite? and it can't be someone from denmark ;) haha

    It would most definetly be mikel, he is australian in my eyes. :)
  149. Delete your response
    stellazukowska CAITLINGALVIN

    Of course I am :) I can't wait either!

    :) your a babe, cant wait to see you
  150. Delete your response
    stellazukowska CAITLINGALVIN

    Ericaaa I miss youuu

    I can't wait to see you at my party! You are coming right? x
  151. Delete your response

    i want to become friends with u, how do i go about that?

    Add me on facebook. :) who is this, that's cute
  152. Delete your response

    you're going to go far

    i hope thats not sarcasm
  153. Delete your response

    well then i guess ill just see you at your parttttttttttttyyyyy :( - esha

    love you x
  154. Delete your response

    i was reading the other posts, why would you want to be a dark grey wolf?

    Its my favourite animal :)
    And it would be kind of cool just skulking around a forest and eating stuff
  155. Delete your response

    no you dont, you hardly talk to me anymore :(

    it scares me how wrong you are
    i love you
    schoolwork is a bitch and it eating me from the inside out
    need to do whole d and t folio in a week
  156. Delete your response

    Lets hang out this Thursday I need a pick me up (:

    sounds good
    come mine ?
    bring oc ?
    we an drink tea and discuss life
    im not goin to shave my hair because look at my blog i want to grow it long and model like
  157. Delete your response

    Your lovely

  158. Delete your response


    love you babe
  159. Delete your response

    i miss you and love youuuu :) maybee you can come over on friday?

    maybe stranger
  160. Delete your response

    omgggggggg !

    I know right!!!!!
  161. Delete your response

    well this is fun :) ... do you have a favorite colour ?

    Light blue, yellow and cream
    Any kind of vintage colour pallete I dig
  162. Delete your response

    what would you like for your birthday?

    I'm awaiting a slr from my parents :)
    A car would be nice maybe some people can pitch in I will give you lifts :) holden kibgswood rust colour would be nice
    But if that's out of your price limit hm
    Well $$$$$$$$$$$
    That's always nice or a sportsgirl or general pants voucher
    Havnt been shopping for a while
    If I need anything in the near future I will keep you posted
  163. Delete your response

    whos your bff 4 lyfe?

    this girl called leilani kessler
    she is ok
  164. Delete your response

    whos your bf

    nathan valli, we have been going out for 13 months and 8 days, started going out new years eve.
    anything else you would like to know ?
  165. Delete your response

    I love your blog, your style and your clothes you are gorgeous! :)

  166. Delete your response

    If you could have a super power, what would it be?

    The ability to turn into a dark grey wolf whenever I feel like it.
  167. Delete your response

    whys ur boyfriend a faggot?

    he isn't plain and simple just cause he doesn't buy his clothes from jay jays doesn't make him a faggot.
  168. Delete your response

    ur getting urself into one sick mess

    doing what
  169. Delete your response

    so out of all your boyfriends friends who's your favourite? and it can't be someone from denmark ;) haha

    It would most definetly be mikel, he is australian in my eyes. :)
  170. Delete your response
    stellazukowska CAITLINGALVIN

    Of course I am :) I can't wait either!

    :) your a babe, cant wait to see you
  171. Delete your response
    stellazukowska CAITLINGALVIN

    Ericaaa I miss youuu

    I can't wait to see you at my party! You are coming right? x
  172. Delete your response

    i want to become friends with u, how do i go about that?

    Add me on facebook. :) who is this, that's cute
  173. Delete your response

    you're going to go far

    i hope thats not sarcasm
  174. Delete your response

    well then i guess ill just see you at your parttttttttttttyyyyy :( - esha

    love you x
  175. Delete your response

    i was reading the other posts, why would you want to be a dark grey wolf?

    Its my favourite animal :)
    And it would be kind of cool just skulking around a forest and eating stuff
  176. Delete your response

    no you dont, you hardly talk to me anymore :(

    it scares me how wrong you are
    i love you
    schoolwork is a bitch and it eating me from the inside out
    need to do whole d and t folio in a week
  177. Delete your response

    Lets hang out this Thursday I need a pick me up (:

    sounds good
    come mine ?
    bring oc ?
    we an drink tea and discuss life
    im not goin to shave my hair because look at my blog i want to grow it long and model like
  178. Delete your response

    Your lovely

  179. Delete your response


    love you babe
  180. Delete your response

    i miss you and love youuuu :) maybee you can come over on friday?

    maybe stranger

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